When it comes to moving the needle on sustainability, Netcare Ltd, one of South Africa’s leading private healthcare providers, understands that actions speak louder than words, with the company investing more than R624 million in environmental sustainability projects over the past decade.
The company’s industry-leading Sustainability Programme, incepted in 2013 and enabled by integrated energy solutions partner, Energy Partners (EP), has not only significantly reduced Netcare’s carbon footprint, but it has also positively impacted their bottom line, dispelling the notion that profit and the planet are mutually exclusive objectives.
Step by step, a solid foundation
Pivotal to the success of the programme is the strategic partnership with EP, a collaboration that has facilitated the achievement of key sustainability goals.
Chief among these is the reduction of carbon-based energy intensity. Notably, out of the 255 environmental sustainability projects initiated by Netcare since 2013, more than 70 percent have been focused on enhancing energy efficiency.
Initially targeting a 22-25 percent reduction in energy intensity by 2023, with a broader target of 30 percent, EP’s first step was to conduct energy audits, followed by mapping the energy use balance and data analysis, and laying the foundation for a tailored energy optimisation plan focused on four key areas:
Harnessing heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) costs.HVAC is Netcare’s primary driver of electricity consumption, accounting for almost half of the electricity consumed in their hospitals. EP addressed the challenge by utilising waste heat for zone heating and hot water generation, optimising the use of every kilowatt hour demanded by the system.
Making the switch to energy-efficient lighting systems, which saw 140,000 lights across all facilities being replaced with energy-efficient alternatives. EP recommended the switch and subsequently oversaw its implementation, a project that, at the time, was the largest of its kind in South Africa.
Integrating renewable energy, via the installation of onsite solar PV systems.
Streamlining water heating systems, which make up around nine percent of Netcare’s energy consumption, and were subsequently optimised.
The plan produced remarkable results. By 2023, an entire year ahead of schedule, Netcare exceeded not just their target, but their stretch target as well, reducing energy consumption by 39 percent.
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The company’s industry-leading Sustainability Programme, incepted in 2013 and enabled by integrated energy solutions partner, Energy Partners (EP), has not only significantly reduced Netcare’s carbon footprint, but it has also positively impacted their bottom line, dispelling the notion that profit and the planet are mutually exclusive objectives.
Step by step, a solid foundation
Pivotal to the success of the programme is the strategic partnership with EP, a collaboration that has facilitated the achievement of key sustainability goals.
Chief among these is the reduction of carbon-based energy intensity. Notably, out of the 255 environmental sustainability projects initiated by Netcare since 2013, more than 70 percent have been focused on enhancing energy efficiency.
Initially targeting a 22-25 percent reduction in energy intensity by 2023, with a broader target of 30 percent, EP’s first step was to conduct energy audits, followed by mapping the energy use balance and data analysis, and laying the foundation for a tailored energy optimisation plan focused on four key areas:
Harnessing heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) costs.HVAC is Netcare’s primary driver of electricity consumption, accounting for almost half of the electricity consumed in their hospitals. EP addressed the challenge by utilising waste heat for zone heating and hot water generation, optimising the use of every kilowatt hour demanded by the system.
Making the switch to energy-efficient lighting systems, which saw 140,000 lights across all facilities being replaced with energy-efficient alternatives. EP recommended the switch and subsequently oversaw its implementation, a project that, at the time, was the largest of its kind in South Africa.
Integrating renewable energy, via the installation of onsite solar PV systems.
Streamlining water heating systems, which make up around nine percent of Netcare’s energy consumption, and were subsequently optimised.
The plan produced remarkable results. By 2023, an entire year ahead of schedule, Netcare exceeded not just their target, but their stretch target as well, reducing energy consumption by 39 percent.
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