The Certificate of Compliance (CoC) is just a one page legal document. The remaining information you receive from your electrical contracting company is what is known as a ‘test report’ and can include wiring diagrams and photos. The test report is designed to be a concise record of the work done as well as the inspection and tests on your property that ensure it is safe and compliant with the standards.
THE USER OR LESSOR OF THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION IS RESPONSIBLEThe law doesn’t say that the property owner is responsible for the safety, safe use and maintenance of the electrical installation. It is the person how is using the property or the person who rents it out. This could mean you are responsible and are unaware.
Often you will find a rental agreement transfers this responsibility to the person/company renting the property which often occurs without the certificate of compliance being shown or agreed in advance. We advice that at all times you insist you have seen a valid certificate for the property you are renting and that you only take responsibility for this certificate if the property owner or rental company validate the CoC issued.
The law is very clear on this. Again, it states the “user or lessor” must have a valid certificate. Without it your insurance and even your bond could be invalidated if you wish to make a claim. Again, please remember this doesn’t necessarily put the requirement on the property owner and if you are the user or lessor then you could open yourself up to a counter claim from the property owner if you manage the property.
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THE USER OR LESSOR OF THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION IS RESPONSIBLEThe law doesn’t say that the property owner is responsible for the safety, safe use and maintenance of the electrical installation. It is the person how is using the property or the person who rents it out. This could mean you are responsible and are unaware.
Often you will find a rental agreement transfers this responsibility to the person/company renting the property which often occurs without the certificate of compliance being shown or agreed in advance. We advice that at all times you insist you have seen a valid certificate for the property you are renting and that you only take responsibility for this certificate if the property owner or rental company validate the CoC issued.
The law is very clear on this. Again, it states the “user or lessor” must have a valid certificate. Without it your insurance and even your bond could be invalidated if you wish to make a claim. Again, please remember this doesn’t necessarily put the requirement on the property owner and if you are the user or lessor then you could open yourself up to a counter claim from the property owner if you manage the property.
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